Monday, March 9, 2020

Book Blog #4: The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo

The Tale of Despereaux

Written by Kate DiCamillo, Illustrated by Timothy Basil Ering

Candlewick Publishing, Copyright 2015 (Reprint Edition)

Modern Fantasy

Plot Summary
Despereaux Tilling is a mouse who is in love with a princess named Pea. However, this princess Pea is not a mouse, she is a human! He wishes to marry her with all his heart. Roscuro is a rat who lives in endless darkness and has spent his whole life yearning for the light. He wishes for a different life. Miggery Sow is a young servant girl who desperately and secretly wishes to become a princess, despite her unfortunate circumstances. This tale follows all three of these completely different characters, and all of them have a journey to take! Eventually, their stories intertwine with each other. What happens when they meet? Will they all get their wishes and heart's desires? Read this charming and adventurous story to find out!

Illustrations: This book contains pencil drawings by Timothy Basil Ering. Each drawing looks as if it was sketched right onto the page. Ering uses muted colors and draws his images to look as if they were almost "blurry" to illustrate the blurs between the real life comparisons and fiction of the story. Each illustration is beautifully sketched to include intricate details of the characters and the events around them. Even the character's clothes are given the finest detail! Many of Ering's drawings overlap between the pages, sometimes between three or more pages.

I would use this book in a 4th-5th grade reading lesson! I would use this book to go over how to analyze characters. The three characters that the book centers around have some things in common, and have some traits that are starkly different. My students could benefit from analyzing the character's thoughts, actions, and feelings to comprehend the story. I could also use this book to practice the reading skill of compare and contrast. My students could benefit from being able to distinguish what is alike about the characters, and what is different.

Image result for the illustrations in the tale of despereaux

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