Genius How is a program/movement that allows students to explore their passions, and promotes fostering creativity. It is usually implemented in schools that choose to participate in the program for an hour a week. Students begin making projects for this program by brainstorming ideas of what they want to research. Teachers may add parameters if they choose to do so. Then, students ask questions, and research the answers. Lastly, the students share their work and research with the class. This program promotes the self sufficiency of students and the responsibility of creating something that the students are proud of. Every Genius How project has to include an essential question. This question must promote deep thought and encourage research. The question cannot be easily answered by google, otherwise it defeats the purpose. Students are allowed to research on scholarly websites and use scholarly resources. This introduces them to the idea of digital literacy and also to the idea of determining if a source they use in their project is credible or not. Students will also need access to materials such as those found in a "makerspace" to use for their projects. The best way to showcase student work for this program is to give the students who participate an authentic audience to present to. This can be done through hosting a "Genius Hour Fair" in which students show off their hard work to other students, teachers, and parents.
What have I learned? How will this benefit me as a teacher?
I have learned that involving students in projects and work like this is challenging, but the results are so worth it! It is difficult to teach self-sufficiency, independence, and responsibility. By using Genius Hour, teachers already have a platform in which the students can build off of by experience. Using programs like Genius Hour will benefit me as a teacher because they will allow me to provide my students with an authentic learning experience in a different context than traditional teaching and learning.
The following pictures are examples of Genius Hour projects made by students around the world. These students worked extremely hard on these projects and are perfect examples of what Genius Hour can help your students achieve!
The following video is an introduction to Genius Hour. It gives great tips to introducing Genius Hour in your classroom!
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